Monday, December 30, 2019

Five New Year’s Resolutions For Students

Written by: Noelle Hanek

New Year's is on it’s way again: a time for celebration and making goals for self improvement. These resolutions vary depending upon the person and what each individual would like to accomplish throughout the year. Here is a list of some of the top New Year's resolutions for students! 
Health and Fitness
This is a common goal for everyone. As the year goes on, it can be harder to focus on ourselves as health moves it’s way to the bottom of your priorities. These changes include exercising more, perhaps by implementing daily workout routines into your schedules, eating healthier, swapping the sweets for a healthier option, and working towards becoming more physically fit. This is an important resolution because many students are eating poorly as the school year goes on, because it can be very difficult to create time for yourself to eat the correct foods, or eat food at all! In addition, your body needs a break from sitting at the computer screen all day. It is important to stay active, and keep your body and health in mind!
Source: SurveyMonkey
This builds off of the previous point of the importance of health– getting adequate sleep each night! This is an especially difficult one to pull off, but when achieved, the results are undoubtedly rewarding. Sleep is crucial for everyday activities, and life in general! Without it, not only is it harming your body, but you will not perform your best in comparison to when you get a good amount of sleep per night. A good goal is to strive for at least 8-9 hours of sleep per night to power you through the week. When you get a good amount of sleep in, you feel unstoppable! Then for the days where you need to stay up for longer,  you will be thanking yourself because your body will now be able to run in “battery” mode for that amount of time because of the excess sleep you gave yourself! 

Source: Pet Central

As students, there is no better time than the New Year to set goals revolved around school if you have not already. Each student is different, so make a school goal that is most suitable for you. For instance, your resolution could be striving to focus more in school, ask more questions in class, read more books, or boost your grades. Or maybe you want to break your procrastination habit, by starting assignments earlier and work on a little bit each day instead of starting the night before! It is a great idea to set goals for ourselves to help us succeed in school, because working even a little harder can have significant results! 
Source: Oxbridge Academy
Get Involved
A great goal to have is to get more involved in your community! There are many ways to contribute positively to the community, such as babysitting a neighbor, participating in town events, or volunteering with an organization! Those were just to name a few, but there are tons of opportunities outside of the school walls that are just waiting for you! It is a great idea to get yourself out there and make a difference! Another great goal is to take up an activity that you are interested in trying out such as a new hobby or a sport. This can lead you to discover greater interests you have and learn more about yourself! 

Stress/Work Life Balance 
This is a big one! Students will realize how difficult it is to maintain a proper balance between school, extracurriculars, and life outside of school! Focusing primarily on one side will eventually harm you, which is not good! Stress is a major factor students face, and it seems like it will never go away. Luckily, there are ways to reduce stress by incorporating stress-free activities such as taking a walk in the park, visiting the beach, taking up meditation and yoga, and much more! The options are endless! Another great resolution can be as simple as learning to relax more, because many students, which may be you, overwork themselves to the point where it is harmful! A line has to be set for enjoying life a little! 
Source: Obino

There are endless goals out there to set for ourselves, and endless possibilities to improve ourselves, but those were just a few great ones for students! New Year's resolutions are an excellent motivator for improving ourselves as well as achieving long anticipated goals. Keep in mind however, in many instances we become disappointed in ourselves for not reaching the goals we imagined due to being caught up in our hectic lives. Do not get discouraged if this happens to you! It is never too late to work on your goals, and it does not matter when the starting point is, because the sooner you get to it, the closer you will reach those goals in the end! 

Happy New Year from the Oracle!

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