Tuesday, September 26, 2017

The Secret To A Happier School Year

Written by: Kanita Tariq 

School is in session and in full swing! If you haven’t already begun to plunge in the massive amount of workload, you will soon. Despite the fact that school can be a bit maddening, your top priority should be self-care. Here are a few tips for you to tend more to yourself, for a happier, healthier, and successful school year!



You may get tired of hearing this all day, but you NEED to sleep eight hours each day. To many of us, this may seem impractical with sports and extra-curriculars and all, but the more sleep you get, the better your performance will be in all of your day-to-day activities.

Tip: Make sure to get all your larger assignments and homework for your morning classes done at home. If it’s getting late, save the work for your afternoon classes to do at lunch. We have two of them - make the most of it!



Again, you may hear this constantly, but drinking water is super important. Not only is it good for your body, but it’s also great for your skin and can boost your mood and prevent headaches.

Tip: Carry around a reusable water bottle in your backpack. I know we don’t need any extra weight, but trust me, it’ll be a great decision in the long run. End those 6th period headaches before they even start!


It's a healthy choice, and can also make you feel good! Try to get some kind of activity at least 2-3 times a week for a happy mind and a healthy bod.

Tip: For all you non-sporty folks (like me), try some yoga! I took one class over the summer and at the rate this school year’s going, I’m dying to continue. Possibly the greatest stress reliever out there!



Not that we are always the healthiest eaters out there, but eating healthier is the way to go. Fruits and veggies are really good for you, and you’ll have more energy and a fresher mind in school.

Tip: Make small changes to your diet each week. You’ll be eating healthy like a pro sooner than you think!



Pamper yourself. Be selfish. You deserve it! All your hard work needs a reward, after all. Indulge in a small thing or two just for yourself.

Most importantly, don’t forget to smile, have fun, and just chill out. As long as you’re happy, you’ll do your best, in school and after.

Thursday, September 14, 2017


Written by: Lauren Groff

New to the Sparta High community? If you decided to play a fall sport, chances are you've gotten the chance to meet some upperclassmen who have proved to be familiar faces in the hallway this first week. If you can't relate to this, don't panic! You may not recognize many of the older students walking the hallways, but soon you will find that navigating SHS isn't as daunting as it seems. Most likely, your teachers have given you some of their “tips and tricks” for the school year.
The truth is, sometimes the best advice comes from student to student. We were in your position very recently and experienced it ourselves, so let The Oracle staff give you some helpful tips and advice. Here's your school survival guide…

  1. On days you don't have lab, use lunch to your advantage.
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The library is more than just walls of books and a printing station. On days that you have a test or just need to catch up on some homework, grab a comfy chair in the MRC and take some quiet time to get ahead if you know you have a commitment after school. You'll thank yourself later!

2. Depending on its location, you may only get to stop at your locker once or twice a day, so bring everything you need in a backpack to carry around with you.
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You may not think it's important now, but when we say bring everything, we mean it. BRING EVERYTHING! Chapstick, hair ties, a water bottle, an extra sweatshirt, your student ID, and more. “I probably won't need it, though…” You will. Just trust us on this one.

3.  Phone chargers become gold.
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Unless you're one of the lucky few who invested in a charging phone case, (we will be forever jealous) phone chargers become a highly sought-after necessity. If you don't have one, you'll be asking for one. And if you do have one, more people will be asking you for it than that little cousin who keeps asking “do you have games on your phone?”. It gets old real quick.

4. Pack your lunch if you can.
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As you can imagine with a schedule that has all four grades eating lunch at the same time, the lunch line gets ridiculously long. Chances are, you'll be waiting in the panini line to longer than it takes you to actually eat said panini. Pack your lunch the night before and skip the painfully long line.

5.  If you sit in the student section and there's a theme, FOLLOW THE THEME!
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For big games, the student section will have themes such as hawaiian shirts, flannels, or 'murica. Whatever it is, if you're going to sit with everyone, JUST FOLLOW THE THEME. Don't be that person.

6. Always have an extra sweatshirt.
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Refer back to point number 2, but seriously, why is our school randomly cold? None of us can seem to figure it out, but at random times you'll find yourself more frozen than Leo in The Revenant. When in doubt, pull over that sweatshirt.

7. Failing one test or quiz isn't going to keep you from your college dreams.
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It may seem like the end of the world at the time, and surely upsetting, but just remember - all of your grades are averaged out at the end of the marking period, and then at the end of the year. All that will appear on your transcript is your final grade for the year, which is all four marking periods plus your final exam. So don't flip out. As long as you try your best, it will be okay.

8. You're not the only one who is stressed out beyond belief.
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Ask any one of your friends, and there's a 99.9% chance that they're feeling the exact same way. You're definitely not alone. Just take a deep breath, push through your assignments, and then give yourself a break for a little while. Always, always ask for help, whether it's from your locker neighbor before homeroom, or straight to the teacher.

9. Older friends who pick you up Dunkin' are keepers.

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If you happen to be lucky enough to befriend an upperclassman who will pick you up Dunkin' on their morning commute, be forever greatful. And most importantly, don't forget to pay them back.

10. If you forget to pack food before a game, snag something from the vending machine.
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Don't freak out if you realize last period that you didn`t pack any food for that game 45 minutes away. We have a vending machine that's always got your back- if you can rummage enough quarters from the bottom of your backpack.

11. You may have a class that you cannot succeed in, despite the hours of long work you put in.
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It may have seemed fine on the first day of school, but it won't take long for you to realize if the course load seems a little...difficult. Before you decide that the teacher is plotting against you, confide in some classmates and see if they're experiencing the same thing. Be respectful to your teacher, but keep in mind that you can always head over to the guidance office.

12. Pay attention to what classes you do and don't enjoy.
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This may seem like a weird piece of advice, but pay attention to your favorite and least favorite subjects. Once you figure out what you enjoy the most, it may give you some direction on what you want to major in when college comes around.

13. Keep all of your school supplies organized.
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Everyone's methods of organizations are different - whether it's binders, notebooks, or folders, find your method and stick to it. Keeping everything together will make everything easier when you have a test or quiz to study for.

14. Care less about what people think.
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High school is only four years of your life... are you really going to look back as an adult and wonder “did she like my new pair of jeans?”. Hate to break it to you, but you won't. Wear what makes you confident, join whatever clubs you're interested in, and do whatever makes you happy because at the end of the day, other people's opinion is not important.

15. Have fun!!!
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You're only here for four more years before you leave town for college, so take in every moment and enjoy it! School may seem unbearable sometimes, but in the midst of working hard, make some time to immerse yourself in all Sparta has to offer and embrace it!

Let's have a great school year!

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