Friday, January 4, 2019

Tips & Tricks For a Productive 2019

Written by: Lauren Groff 

New Year’s Resolution may only last for a small amount of time, but there's hope for all of us! Instilling these short and simple habits in your everyday life will lead to a more productive and stress-free year, and they’re a lot easier to follow than a strictly-set “resolution.”

Pack your lunch the night before
If you do not buy lunch at school, packing your lunch the night before-- and storing it in the refrigerator if necessary-- saves a LOT of time in the morning. This way, you can catch a few extra minutes of sleep and put a little more thought into what you’re eating the next day.

Write down deadlines in a planner
This may be the most classic organization tip of all, but writing deadlines down is a good way to keep them from slipping into the depths of your mind. Before you know it, that project will be due in a matter of days… NOT weeks!
Bring a phone charger to school
Your Chromebook has a port that allows for an iPhone charger. If you forget to charge your phone at night, or if you have a game later and need to power up, plugging your phone into your Chromebook during the day is a great power-booster.

Keep your Student ID in a clear phone case
Rather than worrying about losing your small plastic ID or having to constantly search for it in your backpack, securing it in your clear phone case is a great way to keep it safe. As long as the barcode is visible, you will be able to scan in and out with your ID without having to remove it from your phone.

Start collecting quarters
Collecting loose change-especially the quarters- is a simple way to treat yourself later. Every time you go out to eat, set aside the quarters and put them in a small pouch or wallet in your backpack. Shortly, you will have a stash of quarters for the school store or vending machine whenever you’re in need of a snack or drink during the day.

Keep a sweatshirt in your locker
Spartans, you know better than anyone the inconstant climate of SHS. Save yourself the chills and keep a sweater or sweatshirt in the top shelf of the locker- You’ll be thanking yourself when you find yourself shivering in the chemistry wing!

Prepare for finals all year round

At the end of each marking period, empty out each of your subject folders. Set aside any important tests or quizzes and file them together for later in the year. That way, in addition to a finals study guide, you will have all of your significant assignments from throughout the year to study from and you won’t be cramming in June! Additionally, you’ll have a MUCH lighter backpack by scrapping old papers.

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