On Saturday, December 2, students from all of Sparta High’s German classes came together on the boardwalk to serenade onlookers with authentic Christmas carols in the language.
Students had prepared extensively for the event as practice began immediately after Halloween. Performed were some well-known classics, like “O Tannenbaum” and “Rudolf mit Rotem Näschen” (renditions of “O Christmas Tree” and “Rudolf the Red-Nosed Reindeer), as well as original German songs such as “Kling Glöckchen” and “Ihr Kinderlein, Kommet.”
The annual German Christmas Market was celebrated for the sixteenth year in Sparta, and much like years prior, the event was a success. “The Sparta Christmas Market does a fabulous job showcasing [authentic German experiences] here in Sparta,” says Frau, adding that, “It even smells like Germany!”
Much to the enjoyment of the crowd, the young Spartan singers put on an unforgettable performance. “It’s nice to see the students give back to the community and to contribute to the enjoyment of everyone,” reflects Frau Wessels.
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