Monday, November 27, 2017


Written by: Lauren Groff

Hey Spartans! For this week's article, I wanted to write about the struggle that students face everyday: Food choices. Although we don't over-analyze every single thing we put in our mouths, even the smallest changes can make a difference. With the “substitution method”, enjoying your favorite foods becomes healthy, too! Eating consciously will make you feel better both inside and out. Here are some examples of easy substitutions you can make every day!

Latte = Coffee with low-fat milk

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Your favorite latte is most likely filled with more sugar than you think… If you still want to enjoy a creamy drink with a coffee taste, try regular coffee with skim or lowfat milk instead. The more milk you add, you will still get the same creamy flavor you love so much, just with less sugar!

Potato Chips = Dried Fruit Chips
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When I first read this substitution suggestion on one of my favorite blogs, I was skeptical to say the least… But oh, how wrong I was! Dried fruit - apples in particular- are my new go-to snack. They're way healthier and sweeter than a bag of chips! You can buy dehydrated fruit at your local grocery or health food store, or save some money and make them yourself at home.

Sandwich Rolls = Wraps
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Making the simple swap of using wraps instead of traditional bread and potato rolls for your lunch can make such a big difference. If you are looking for a delicious wrap, I would highly recommend Tumaro's. Each wrap only contains 60 calories and is low in carbs, and it still tastes good! As an avid bread-lover myself, I doubted that I would find a wrap that I could actually enjoy… Tumaro's has proved me wrong!

Milkshake = Fruit Smoothie
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Milkshakes may be creamy, cold, and delicious, but so are fruit smoothies! With endless combinations to blend together, you can get creative and find your favorite mix of yogurt, fruits, vegetables, and more. To thicken up your drink even more, try adding bananas or protein powder. If you do not have a blender or the proper ingredients at home, The Nutrition Store in Sparta makes great smoothies with extra protein powder to thicken them up if you prefer.

Ice cream = Thick Greek Yogurt

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Late-night ice cream while watching Netflix is something we are all guilty of, and may be hard to resist. However, there is an alternative… and it's better than eating an entire pint of Halotop. Once you find a thick greek yogurt that you enjoy, drain the whey off of the surface to make it creamier. Stick it in the freezer (yes, freezer, not refrigerator) for 15 minutes before you plan to eat it. This will make it as cold as ice cream with freezing it. Pull it out after the time is up and enjoy- you can even mix in dark chocolate chips, coconut shreds, or whatever else you like to put on your ice cream.

Buttered Popcorn = Air-Popped Popcorn
Some of your favorite popcorn snacks may be coated in sugary flavorings or lots of oil and butter. Instead of reaching for the sweeter option, grab Skinny Pop. Skinny pop is a healthier form of popcorn that's easy to snack on and anything but bland. In addition to traditional popcorn, it comes in many other flavors including white cheddar, pepper jack, and more.

Candy Bars = Flavored Granola Bars
I know, Kit Kat and Hershey bars may be impossible to resist sometimes, but many brands, especially Special K, offer many variations of creatively-flavored granola bars. Chocolatey pretzel, Chocolate Peanut Pecan, and Caramel Pretzel Cashew are some varieties-to name a few.

Hopefully this list will help you to make some healthier swaps into your everyday diet. If you have any creative swaps of your own, feel free to comment them down below!

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