Welcome the 2020-2021 school year! While our situation may not be ideal right now, as Spartans, we can make the best of it! Subscribe to the Oracle to be in the know for more SHS happenings by clicking the link: https://shsoracle.blogspot.com/ (it's free!)
Learning is a little more structured than it was in the spring; we are able to see our classmates virtually every day; so for that, we are moving in the right direction toward “normal”.
Now a month into the routine, some aspects of Spartan Life are very much the same, and still others are noticeably different.
While most students are virtual, most teachers are in the building-and like every other year, we have new educators. Some of our new staff are: Mrs. Scholl- Chemistry, Mrs. Baier- Math, Mrs. Brickner- Social Studies.
Some other Sparta High School happenings include:
Marching Band Car Washes
On September 19, The Sparta High School Marching Band hosted a very successful car wash! It started with social distancing and wearing masks and ended in an enjoyable and profitable fundraiser.
Although social distancing has limited the band coming close together physically, it hasn’t stopped the Marching Spartan spirit.
By: Charlotte Rogoff

Positive Tests :(
Some students in the Sparta School district have unfortunately tested positive for coronavirus meaning sports have been moved online until it is safe enough for athletes to head back in person. But when they’re back there will be some exciting games to look forward to!
Also there has been news that younger Sparta students will be going back in person. K-5 students starting October 5 and staggering through October 12. Hopefully high school students can return in the upcoming months!
By: Kelly Groome

Online Sports
All sports are at home for the next two weeks but that hasn’t stopped the teams from training on their own or doing virtual meet ups with coaches and doing the workout together online. When the two weeks are over, sports will be back to in person practices! Hopefully games and matches for all fall sports will still be played (and won)!
By: Erin Takach

Coffeehouse Club
Sparta High School is constantly providing new activities and clubs to satisfy the interests of the student body, online school proves no exception! On Friday, September 25th, the first meeting of the ‘Coffeehouse Club’ will take place virtually. This club will allow students to share their artistic abilities in a relaxed and open mic format, including but not limited to: singing, drawing, photography, and musical instruments! Rest assured, not all students are required to perform. All are invited to attend and to enjoy the talents presented! The club is intended to be held monthly throughout the year, and welcomes all students. Additionally, once students return to in-person schooling, they plan to serve coffee! The Coffee House Club is one of the many clubs Sparta High School has to offer for its students. Extracurricular activities and after school clubs are amazing ways for students to explore their interests, meet new people, and broaden their horizons!
If you’re interested in being a part of the Coffeehouse Club, join the classroom! The code is: bxmfv6f
By: Noelle Hanek

Online Fall Drama
Back in May, the 2020 Student Production was cancelled. As one of the key events hosted by the Drama Club, its cancellation was a devastating blow to many seniors, who ended up not getting their last opportunity on Sparta High School’s stage, and certain juniors, who lost out on valuable leadership roles. Theatre is, of course, a tricky passion to pursue while still following social distancing guidelines, but SHS can rest assured, the 2020 Fall Drama will happen! In the words of Mr. Rivers, the advisor of Drama Club, “This year's fall drama will be a student-written one-act festival!” The introductory meeting is this Thursday at 2:30, and the classroom code is “dluvxdx” for anyone interested in joining!
By: Kavya Kamath

Online Art Club
With the start of school comes, too, the beginning of many clubs, both old and new. Despite virtual challenges, Mrs. Csatlos is tentatively planning on continuing Art Club, and although she has not yet set aside a set time to meet, it is likely that the club will begin sometime in the next few weeks (so look out for the classroom code!). In past years, Art Club served as an extra opportunity for students to either finish projects from their art classes or work on their own creative pieces and visions. Additionally, Art Club provided an important social aspect as well - whilst working on all manners of creative pursuits, students would gather in small groups just to talk and hang out. While the social aspect of Art Club likely won’t be the same, Mrs. Csatlos still hopes to create a space where students can just hang out, make art, and “have fun!”
By: Paige Mongon